Friars in Břevnov monastery in Prague brewed their own beer but also loved to drink this beer. Therefore the prague bishop Svatý Vojtěch reproached them for drinking instead taking care of their parishioner.

In the Middle Ages many people brewed beer. But its quality was often poor because they added in beer many strange ingredients – e.g. some herbs, soot or magic mushroom.
Therefore in 1516 in Bavaria approved the act (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinheitsgebot) which said that beer could contain only three ingredients: water, hops and barley.

Citizens in Pilsen (now also known as a capital of beer) were dissatisfied with quality of beer produced in local breweries So they decided to build new, bigger and modern brewery. They invited brewmaster Josef Groll from Bavaria who brewed new type of beer. Citizens were satisfied and this type of beer has widened to whole country.

2nd half of 19th century
Industrial revolution forced poor people from rural areas to move to cities. They worked in factories, lived in poor houses and also drank a lot. During this period many breweries in industrial area were founded (e.g. Staropramen in Smíchov, Gambrinus in Pilsen) and thirsty workers helped them to make profit.

Oktoberfest is the biggest beer party in the world but this year will be accompanied with strict safety measures.